Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016



ENGLISH FOR SMK, kali ini ingin berbagi RPP Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum SMK KD 3.4 sebagai bahan refferensi Bapak Ibu guru bahasa inggris SMK. Contoh RPP ini membahas tentang teks deskriptif tentang sesorang, tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah. Diharapkan RPP Bahasa Inggris ini dapat membantu dan bermanfaat. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

English For SMK "Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris semester Ganjil"

Selamat malam,langsung aja ya. di bawah ini ada latihan soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) bahasa inggris semester ganjil. Semoga soal latihan soal tersebut dapat sebagai tambahan belajar bahasa inggris...



HARI/TANGGAL           : 
WAKTU                        : 

1.    Complete the sentences with be (is, am, are) or have (has, have). Remember to use the correct forms.
a)    Maher Zain ________ Saidah’s favorite singer. He really ______good voice. (skor 2)
b)    My hobby __________ reading novels. I ____________ a collection of good novels. (skor 2)
c)    Bali ________ magnificent scenery. In fact, it _______ one of the most wonderful islands in the world. (skor 2)
d)    My younger sister and I __________ three cats. They ______ cute. (skor 2)
e)    Our favorite subjects _______ Math and English. We _____ a great time when we do math and English exercises. (skor 2)

2.    Complete the sentences with subjective pronouns or objective pronouns
a)    _______ (His/He) spends the weekend playing guitar. (skor 1)
b)    _______ (Them/They) told me that they send e-mail to each other everyday. (skor 1)
c)    I am going to introduce ______ (she/her) to one of my pen pals in Malaysia. (skor 1)
d)    Lolita told _____ (we/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pals in Kalimantan. (skor 1)
e)    He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with ______ (theirs/them) (skor 1)

3.    Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns or possessive adjectives
a)    I am going to wash _______ hand. (my/me) (skor 1)
b)    Do you like ______ pen pals? (you/ your) (skor 1)
c)    ______ hobby is reading the biography of famous people. (he/his) (skor 1)
d)    He told me about his family and I told ______ too. (my/mine) (skor 1)
e)    My sister’s car was red, _____ was black. (my/ mine) (skor 1)

4.    Read the dialog and answer the questions
Cita has won the first winner of the story telling competition in her school. Her best friend congratulates her.
Ditto    : Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of school story telling competition! Excellent. You really did it well
Cita     : thanks, Ditto
Ditto    : I heard that you will be the representative of our school in the story telling competition of our regency. Is it true?
Cita     : Yes, you’re right
Ditto    : I hope you will win as well in the next competition.
Cita     : I hope so. But I’m nervous.
Ditto    : Don’t worry, you’re a very good story teller. Good luck.
Cita     : Thanks. I’ll do my best. Wish me luck.

a)    What good news about Cita does Ditto know? (skor 2)
b)    What does Ditto say to Cita relate to the news? (skor 2)
c)    What do the expressions mean? (skor 2)
d)    What is Ditto’s purpose of saying that to Cita? (skor 2)
e)    How does Cita respond to what Ditto says? (skor 2)

5.    Read the dialog and answer the questions
Riri                 : It will be a long weekend soon. Do you have any plans?
Santi               : Uhm, I’m not sure. I don’t have any idea yet. I think I might stay at home.
Bayu               : Stay at home? Well, you could do something more interesting!
Santi               : So, what about you Bayu? Do you have any plans?
Bayu               : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing.
Santi              : Fishing? It sounds boring too! Are you going to go fishing in the river near your house?
Bayu              : No. We plan to go fishing in a lake near my uncle’s house. Would you like to come with us?
Santi               : Fishing? I don’t really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing.
Bayu               : What about you, Riri? What would you like to do on the long weekend?
Riri                  : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are going to practice baking cookies.
Santi               : That sounds like a very good plan!
Bayu               : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like the last time?
Riri                 : Well, yes. That is my favorite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies.
Santi               : lucky you, your mom is a real baker, isn’t she?
Bayu               : Ha ha ha, do you still want to stay at home alone?
Riri                 : Or, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house.
Bayu               : It’s a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad?
Santi              : Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Riri. Thanks for asking me to join you Riri.
Riri                 : No problem. I will call you on Friday to let you know the time when we can start.
Santi               : Thanks a lot. I will be waiting for your call.
Bayu               : Have a nice long weekend everyone.
Riri, Santi       :  You too.

a)         What are Bayu, Riri and Santi discussing?  (skor 1)
b)         Who already have the plan for the weekend? (skor 1)
c)         What are they plans? (skor 1)
d)         Who doesn’t have the plan? What does s/he finally decide to do on weekend. (skor 1)
What do the sentences type in bold express? (skor 1)

Monday, September 26, 2016



RPP Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum SMK KD 3.3. ENGLISH FOR SMK kali ini ingin berbagi contoh RPP bahasa inggris untuk kelas X KD 3.3 yang membahas tentang Niat Sesuatu (Intention). Contoh RPP ini diharapkan dapat membantu para Ibu/Bapak Guru dalam menyusun dan mengembangkan perangkat administrasinya sehingga pembelajaran dapat berlangsung dengan baik. Diharapkan contoh RPP ini dapat di sempurnakan sesuai dengan Kurikulum yang saat ini di terapkan pada sekolah Ibu/Bapak Guru. 

RPP Bahasa Inggris KD.3.3


Sekolah                         :
Mata Pelajaran          : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester         : X / 1
Program/Jurusan       : SPS
Materi Pokok              : Niat Sesuatu
Alokasi Waktu            :

A.  Kompetensi Inti
1.    Pengetahuan (KI 3)
Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dan metakognitif  berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
2.    Keterampilan (KI 4)
Mengolah, menalar, menyaji,dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016



RPP Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum SMK Terbaru – ENGLISH FOR SMK ingin berbagi contoh RPP. Sobat Guru pastinya sudah mengetahui bahwa pembaharuan kurikulum 13 sudah dilakukan dari kurikulum 13 lalu di revisi menjadi kurikulum 13 revisi dan akhirnya sekarang menjadi kurikulum SMK. Perubahan yang begitu cepat tidak lain adalah sebagai penyempurnaan kurikulum kurikulum sebelumnya. Bagi Bapak Ibu guru yang telah mengikuti diklat kurikulum SMK pastinya sudah di bekali bagaimana menyusun RPP nya, namun masih banyak yang belum mengikuti diklat tersebut. Sedangkan pembelajaran sudahlah di mulai khususnya untuk tingkat X. Lalu bagaimana kita malaksanakan KBM dikelas?
Berikut terdapat contoh RPP yang semoga dapat menjadi referensi Bapak Ibu guru menyusun RPP sehingga KBM dapat berjalan sesuai yang kita semua harapkan.

English For SMK "Will Vs Be Going To"

Simple Future
“will + V1” vs “be going to + V1

English For SMK kali ini akan mengulas tentang Simple Future Tense (bentuk waktu yang akan datang) adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang akan terjadi/dilakukan di masa yang akan datang. 

Simple Future form: “Will + V1” dan “be going to + V1”

    will + V1
         I will help you.
         She will call me when I arrive.
be going to + V1

         He is going to spend his vacation in London.
         I’m going to be an actor when I grow up.

Perbedaan menggunakan Will + V1 dengan “be going to +V1” sebagai berikut:
A.  Will + V1
          We use “will" to express a voluntary action
          A: I’m really hungry.
          B: I will make some sandwiches.
          We use “will" to express a promise
          I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party
          We use “will” to express a spontaneous decision (the action is decided at the moment of speaking)
          A: The phone is ringing.
          B: I will answer.

B.  Be going to + V1
          We use “will” to request help or offer help 
          Will you please help me to do my homework?
          We use “will” with words and expressions like probably, possibly, perhaps, I’m sure, I expect
          I will probably get there by car.
          We use “will” when the main verb is “be” even if we talk about the planned events
          I will be in London tomorro
Catatan :
shall + not dapat disingkat menjadi shan't
will + not dapat disingkat menjadi won't

Contoh :
- We shall not go to Jakarta next week..
  (Kami tidak akan pergi ke Jakarta minggu depan.)
- She will not finish her homework  tomorrow.
  (Dia tidak akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah besok.)

          We use “be going to” to talk about prior plans, strong intentions, or fixed arrangements
          I am going to buy a new car next year.
          We use both “will” or “be going to” to predict future events.
          The weather tomorrow will be sunny.
          You are going to be a famous artist.
Note: we use “be going to” (not “will”) to make predictions about events when there is a concrete evidence.
          Look at those dark clouds in the sky. It is going to rain soon.
Catatan :
Penambahan kata “not” diletakan setelah “to be”
To be yang di gunakan tergantung pada subject nya

Contoh :
- She is  not going to buy a doll next week.
  (Dia tidak akan membeli sebuah boneka minggu depan.)
- We are not going to finish homework this morning.
  (Kami tidak akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah pagi ini.)

Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam Simple Future Tense adalah :
the day after tomorrow
nanti malam
this morning
pagi ini
this afternoon
sore ini
this weekend
akhir pekan ini
tomorrow morning
besok pagi
next week
minggu depan
three days later
tiga hari lagi

Semoga bermanfaat yaaa…
Maafkan apabila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Image result for ujian tengah semester

Hi, sobat English for SMK. sebentar lagi ujian tengah semester kan?? berikut latihan soal sebagai tambahan referensi belajar kalian. Tunjukan expresi mu di sini. Semoga bermanfaat ya...



KELAS                               : X
TINGKAT/P.K                 :
HARI/TANGGAL           :
WAKTU                             :

A.      Fill the blank with to be is/am/are or Have/has! (max score: 10)
1.       I _____ sixteen years old. I ______ an older sister and a younger brother.
2.       Caroline  ______in USA. She  ______ many friends from Indonesia.
3.       Yuni and Ami ______active students. They  ______ many interesting hobbies.
4.       Maher Zain  _____ cindy’s favorite singer. He _____ good voice.
5.       Carren and I  _____ three cats. They _____ cute.

B.      Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. Remember to use the correct forms of verb.  (max score: 5)
                                Runs                      Mother tongue                 (Be) into
                                                Distant                  Half sister

1.       Samuel and Sholeh are experienced in preparing a wide range of menus, from simple dishes like boiled eggs and fried rice to the difficult ones like the delicious rendang and rawon. They _____ really  ____cooking.
2.       Rudi does not understand the local language. His  _____is Indonesian
3.       I am a senior high school student. Now, my childhood in kindergarten feels like a  _____ memory. I remember only few classmates.
4.       The government  ______ a television station which offers many useful programs and shows few commercials.
5.       Firda is now very happy to have a  _______, a baby girl from her mother’s second marriage.

C.      Rewrite the following sentences with different forms (positive/negative/interrogative).  (max score: 10)
1.       (+) Desi is a smart student
(-) _________
(?) _________
2.       (+) _________
(-) We do not come to the party
(?) _________
3.       (+) They are interested to study outside
(-) ­­­­­_________
(?) _________
4.       (+) Kiyoto goes to Jakarta now
(-)  _________
(?) _________
5.       (+) He studies English every day
(-)  _________
(?) _________
D.      Answer the following questions. (max score: 5)
Nabila    : Hi, Sari! How are things?
Sari        : Fine, and you?
Nabila   : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari        : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.
Nabila   : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.
Sari        : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.
Nabila   : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?
Sari        : Oh, sure. What’s up?
Nabila   : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?
Sari        : Yes, mean this?
Nabila   : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job. Now I                have to give it to the director immediately.
Sari        : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.
Nabila    : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!

1. Who went to the beach?
2. Did she enjoy it?
3. What is she wearing?
4. What does Nabila say to compliment Sari? 
5.  What does Sari say to compliment Sari?

Good Luck ...