Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Some expressions How To Ask For Help

Some expressions How To Ask For Help

We all need help sometimes. In English, it is not polite to ask directly. So there are many expressions that we can say before a request to 'soften' it.

Could you please help me out with.....?
Would you mind showing me …..?
Is their any chance you have time to …?
Would you please explain to me …...?
Can you do me a favor please?
Please help me with ….. .
Is it possible for you to …..... ?
I was wondering if you could please show me how to ….. .
Do you have any free time on ….?
Do you know anything about ….?
I was having a problem with …... . Do you think you can help me?
If you don't mind, I could really use your assistance with …. ?
If you don't mind, I really need your help with …. .
I know your good with ….. , and I really could use some help.
I heard your really good at …. . Is their any chance you could help me?
Is their any chance you that you could give me a hand with ….?

I heard that you have a lot of experience with ….. , and I could really use your help.

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  1. setelah saya membaca posting diatas saya menjadi lebih tau bagaimana cara meminta bantuan dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris yang baik. dan saya jadi pengen lebih giat lagi belajar bahasa inggris.
    by : ama winaya 10 AK 1

  2. okke :)

    by : Gayuh surya aji X AK 1

  3. good job :D

    by : lilis margiyanti X AK 1

  4. well (y) :D

    by: Ade Arina Silfia X AK 1

  5. dengan adanya pembelajaran di atas, saya menjadi tau & ingin slalu belajar meminta bantuan dengan bahasa inggris,

    by: M. Sholeh XI AP 2

  6. saya juga merasa ingin lebih mengetahui bagaimana dalam mngunakan bahasa inggris yang baik dan saya akan terus semangat belajar mengunakan bahasa inggris .

    By : Reny S .A
