Thursday, July 18, 2013

ENGLISH FOR SMK "Expression of Gratitude/ Thanking"

Expression of Gratitude/ Thanking

Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people, when speaking English, you say “thanks” very often please say “thank you” when people give you something and give you compliment, etc.

A.Expression of Gratitude/ Thanking
The common expressions to thank somebody are :
·         Thank you
·         Thanks
Emphatic ways of thanking:
·         Thank you very much
·         Thank you so much
·         Thank a lot
You can not say “thank you a lot” or  thank  lots”
If you want to indicate way you are thanking, you can say:
“Thank you for …” or “ Thank for …”
Eg :
·         Thank you for your coming
·         Thanks for your presence
If you want to make your gratitude more formal, you can use :
·          I want to thank you for ….
·         I want to tell you for ….
·         I want to tell you how grateful I am ….
·         I’m extremely grateful to you for ….
·         I’m grateful for ….
B. Expressions that need response of thank
·         Congratulations
·         Congratulations to you
·         Congratulations on your success
·         Congratulations on passing your exam
·         Congratulations on getting a new job etc
Note :
The response is “thank you”,
To respond to thanks can say :
·          You’re welcome
·         That’s all right
·         That’s OK
·         It’s a pleasure
·         Pleasure
·         It is no trouble
·         It is nothing
·         Not at all 
Don’t mention it (old fashioned)

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